Friday, July 20, 2007

Al-Qaeda is American

9/11 Mysteries - Building Collapses - The funniest movie is here. Find it

Personally, US CIA did not convince me about their story, and I’m still having doubt that there is a dirty hand from US government behind this. Please some one explains to me how CIA found Mohammed Ata’a passport?"



Anonymous said...

The US government story really did not make sense but another very honest intelligent blogger Doug do not believe that 9/11 was some kind of conspiracy. You must also read his posts on 9/11.

DyegoM. said...

Sure,but you will write in your blog for limited time or "forever" ??
Send me your button link.

Arthur said...

Well, I am not American but in the Italian television the explanation was about the enormous quantity of fuel inside the plane: too much heavy.
My opinion is that the towers were not proprely anti-sismic. Probably a construction made in normal bricks can cope with a disaster like this much more better.
This is my opinion but if you feel to be right go on on your way

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